Friday, December 30, 2011

Unspoiled beauty

Part of the beauty of living where we do is that our kids have acres and acres to roam.  With the exception of one crazy neighbor that drives exceedingly fast even when my kids are on our tiny gravel road, my kids are safe to roam and explore.  Our township is criss-crossed with prairie trails that are ideal for horse rides, bike rides or long hikes.

As I sit at the kitchen table right now, I am able to look out the window and watch Madison ride her dressage horse across the field to the neighbor's barn.  During the yucky weather she has been lucky enough to work out a barter system where she will do some chores in his barn to earn her riding time in his heated indoor arena.  She needs to keep riding when the weather's too yucky to haul Ka Ching and Madison to her dressage instructor about 20 miles away. 

One aspect of the wind towers that concerns us is that they have been known to throw ice chunks from their blades up to one half mile away.  At every public meeting, Marc or I expressed our concern that having wind towers located 1750 ft from our home would endanger our children, animals and property.  Somehow, this concern was dismissed by every commissioner except Mark Armstrong.  I was emphatic that our concerns be heeded as I fear my family could end up being the statistic that causes new and responsible setbacks. 

Once the turbines go up, I will no longer feel safe allowing my children to wander to the back of our property which is a half mile long from our home.  That would place them far, far to close to the spinning turbine blades and even in good weather, I fear debris flying off and hitting them.  I also worry about the infra-sound and its effects upon our horses........and us too.

So just for today, I will relish the fact that the towers are still not erected and my children are free to use our entire property without fear of harm from an industrial implement positioned in the midst of quiet, rural homes.  Small things to be grateful for, but the reasons we chose to live here, in the country, and not in the heart of an industrial 'park'.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word! I never realized these monstrosities used ice as weapons. Leave it to a Florida company (sans ice) to erect this foolishness in the frozen world. I'm praying all the way through this. What seems like a "just get over thing" to some, is far from. Even I am ignorant in all things monstrous turbines. Keep educating. Is there anything this Floridian can do?
